どうして生き物は老化していくのか?老化を止めて不老不死となることは可能なのか? それは長らく人類の謎であり一つの到達点でもありました。例えば古代中国の始皇帝は不老不死を求めて辰砂(しんしゃ)と呼ばれる水銀を含んだ丸薬を飲んで命を落としたそうです。古来は錬金術や宗教的思想を用...
東京医科歯科大学MiSH PQJ委員会
代表 岩田 陽太
★当日パンフレット pdfはこちら
★当日使用した問題(一部抜粋) pdfはこちら
PQJ2020 finished on March 7, 2021. I appreciate a lot of participation and cooperation, and applaud all the participants for their great performance.
It was the first time for PQJ to be held "online", and we could find both good points and problems. We considered improvement measures for the problems and told them to the next host.
The next host is the students of "International University of Health and Welfare". In PQJ2020, team "NASUNARI" from the university achieved a great result of 2nd place, and members of the team will be the center of operation of the next PQJ.
The next PQJ is going to be held around March 2022, but it is unclear whether it will be held online or offline, as of May 3, 2021.
I'm glad if you join the next PQJ.
Representative of PQJ2020 steering committee
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Youta Iwata
★Click here for the pamphlet pdf
★Click here for the sample of questions used in PQJ2020